Looking for a “cool-cation?” Chile is an ideal destination.

Looking for a “cool-cation?” Chile is an ideal destination.

A lot has changed in the world in recent years. Traditional tourist destinations have become increasingly crowded, and travelers are now flocking to different locales for their summer vacations. 

So-called “cool-cations” have become increasingly popular, and not only because they eschew the hordes of visitors in other destinations. There are range of other reasons, including:

Keen to cool off: Hotter temperatures have made balmy locales less appealing and international travelers are looking to cooler climes. 

Sustainability is top of mind: The impact of climate change is becoming increasingly clear, and sustainable travel is becoming an imperative for many travelers. 

Remote-work wandering: For many, the “office” is wherever they can find wi-fi, which opens a world of possibilities. With more flexible work arrangements, travelers can venture to destinations that aren’t as hot or crowded, and even stay there while they work. 

An escape from the heat, humidity, and crowds of summer are becoming more appealing, and many of us have more flexibility than ever. If you’re looking for an invigorating and fascinating destination, look no further than Chile.  Why? In part because of our inverse seasons—when it’s hot up north, we’re a cool and captivating escape. But also because of the dizzying variety of landscapes and experiences here, including two of the most beloved spots for travelers:  

Santiago: Our capital offers a relatively mild climate year-round, and summer months up north find many Americans and Canadians heading south for skiing opportunities.  Renowned resorts like Valle Nevado, La Parva, El Colorado, and Valle Nevado offer world-class ski and snowboarding opportunities in the legendary Andes Mountains and aren’t a far drive from The Singular Santiago. 

Patagonia: This iconic destination is thrillingly remote and, in July and August, travelers can circumvent the throngs of visitors.  The clean, crisp air offers a refreshing counterweight to the sweltering temps up north—it is invigorating and replenishing, a perfect reset from the often-oppressive heat in the US, Canada, Europe, and beyond. There will be plenty to do here, since we offer 15 excursions and activities for our guests. Plus, the airport at Puerto Natales is just a short drive from The Singular Patagonia. While you’re here, it can feel as if you have one of the planet’s most rugged and resplendent regions all to yourself. 

So why not avoid the summer crowds, cool off and experience the best of Chile for your next cool-cation? There’s never been a better time to visit us.